Run STAMINA/STORM on the cloud

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The reachability threshold, also called κ, is the threshold by which states are either fully included in the model, or truncated (their successors ignored and an artificial transition sent to an absorbing state). Read more...
Between iterations of truncation, κ is reduced to allow for more states to be explored if the results are not accurate enough. The next κ is calculated as κ / rκ. Read more...
The accuracy bound, w is defined as Pmax - Pmin. When this window is specified, STAMINA guarantees that the actual probability will be somewhere within that window. Read more...

Advanced Options

Use multithreading protocol (may prevent timeout).
Create .tra file which contains all of the states used in the final model.

Report the labels created and the number of states created with each label.
Enforce absolute state limit at states.
Different STAMINA hosts may have different rate limitations and timeouts. If you wish to check larger models than the current host will allow, please download and install STAMINA.
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