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Command-Line Arguments

Now that you know how to create PRISM model files and CSL properties files, you are ready to use STAMINA. STAMINA comes in two executables, sstamina for STAMINA/STORM and pstamina for STAMINA/PRISM. We also have a simple Python script simply called stamina, which takes --storm and --prism args and passes all remaining args to either sstamina or pstamina.

For both versions, the first two (non-named) command-line parameters are the model file path and properties file path respectively. These are required to be in .sm, .prism and .csl format respectively.

The basic syntax of invoking STAMINA via the command-line is as follows:
options allow you to specify which model checker to use.
STAMINA/STORM and STAMINA/PRISM have different sets of options (although there is some overlap), in order to work with their respective model checkers. The
executable simply passes the options you give into either STAMINA/STORM or STAMINA/PRISM, so make sure to choose the correct options.

Though there are many parallels to the CLI options for STAMINA/STORM and STAMINA/PRISM, there are some differences. These are the available options for each respective version:

STAMINA/STORM Usage and Options

The following options are available for STAMINA/STORM

STAMINA -- truncates infinite CTMC state space and passes into STORM

  -c, --const="C1=VAL,C2=VAL,C3=VAL"
                             Comma separated values for constants
  -C, --cuddMaxMem=memory    Maximum CUDD memory, in the same format as PRISM
                             (default: 1g)
  -e, --export=filename      Export model to a (text) file
  -f, --approxFactor=double  Factor to estimate how far off our reachability
                             predictions will be (default: 2.0)
  -i, --import=filename      Import model to a (text) file
  -I, --iterative            Use the STAMINA 2.5 method (iterative)
  -J, --reExploring          Use the STAMINA 2.0 method (the method in
  -k, --kappa=double         Reachability threshold for the first iteration
                             (default: 1.0)
  -M, --maxIterations=int    Maximum iteration for solution (default: 10000)
  -n, --maxApproxCount=int   Maximum number of iterations in the approximation
                             (default 10)
  -p, --property=propname    Specify a certain property to check in a model
                             file that contains many
  -P, --priority             Use the STAMINA 3.0 method (priority)
  -r, --reduceKappa=double   Reduction factor for Reachability Threshold
                             (kappa) during the refinement step (default 2.0)
  -R, --noPropRefine         Do not use property based refinement. If given,
                             the model exploration method will reduce kappa and
                             do property independent definement (default: off)
  -S, --exportPerimeterStates=filename
                             Export perimeter states to a file. Please provide
                             a filename. This will append to the file if it is
  -t, --exportTrans=filename Export the list of transitions and actions to a
                             specified file name, or to trans.txt if no file
                             name is specified.
                             Transitions are exported in the format <Source
                             State Index> <Destination State Index> <Action
  -T, --rankTransitions      Rank transitions before expanding (default: false)

  -V, --maxStates=integer    The maximum number of states to explore in an
                             iteration (default 2000000)
  -w, --probWin=double       Probability window between lower and upperbound
                             for termination (default: 1.0e-3)
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

STAMINA/PRISM Usage and Options

The following options are available for STAMINA/PRISM

Usage: stamina [options] <model-file> <properties-file>

<model-file> .................... Prism model file. Extensions: .prism, .sm
<properties-file> ............... Property file. Extensions: .csl


-kappa <k>.......................... ReachabilityThreshold for first iteration [default: 1.0]
-reducekappa <f>.................... Reduction factor for ReachabilityThreshold(kappa) for refinement step.  [default: 1.25]
-approxFactor <f>................... Factor to estimate how far off our reachability predictions will be  [default: 2.0]
-pbwin <e>.......................... Probability window between lower and upperbound for termination. [default: 1.0e-3]
-maxapproxcount <n>................. Maximum number of approximation iteration. [default: 10]
-noproprefine ...................... Do not use property based refinement. If given, model exploration method will reduce the kappa and do the property independent refinement. [default: off]
-cuddmaxmem <memory>................ Maximum cudd memory. Expects the same format as prism [default: 1g]
-export <filename>.................. Export model to a file. Please provide a filename without an extension
-exportPerimeterStates <filename>... Export perimeter states to a file. Please provide a filename. This will append to the file if it is existing
-import <filename>.................. Import model to a file. Please provide a filename without an extension
-property <property>................ Specify a specific property to check in a model file that contains many
-const <vals> ...................... Comma separated values for constants
-exportTrans <filename>............. Export the list of transitions and actions to a specified file name, or to trans.txt if no file name is specified. Transitions exported in the format srcStateIndex destStateIndex actionLabel
	-const a=1,b=5.6,c=true

Other Options:

-rankTransitions ................... Rank transitions before expanding. [default: false]
-maxiters <n> ...................... Maximum iteration for solution. [default: 10000]
-power ............................. Power method
-jacobi ............................ Jacobi method
-gaussseidel ....................... Gauss-Seidel method