Infinite state-space truncator which generates a probability within a window
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
Ui_MainWindow Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Ui_MainWindow:

Public Member Functions

void setupUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)
void retranslateUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)

Public Attributes

QAction * actionProperties_File
QAction * actionPRISM_Language
QAction * actionJANI_Language
QAction * actionOpen
QAction * actionSave
QAction * actionSave_As
QAction * actionExport
QAction * actionCut
QAction * actionCopy
QAction * actionPaste
QAction * actionModule_2
QAction * actionUnbounded_Variable
QAction * actionBounded_Variable
QAction * actionFind
QAction * actionReplace
QAction * actionUndo
QAction * actionRedo
QAction * actionPreferences
QAction * actionClose
QAction * actionQuit
QAction * actionModel_Editor
QAction * actionProperties_Editor
QAction * actionResults_Viewer
QAction * actionZoom_In
QAction * actionZoom_Out
QAction * actionReset_Text_Size
QAction * actionCheck_Current_Property
QAction * actionCheck_All_Properties
QAction * actionCheck_Specific_Properties
QAction * actionStorm_Sylvan
QAction * actionModel_Checker_Preferences
QAction * actionAbout_STORM
QAction * actionSTAMINA_Iterative
QAction * actionSTAMINA_Priority
QAction * actionSTORM_Explicit
QAction * actionAbout_STAMINA
QAction * actionDocumentation
QAction * actionReport_A_Bug
QAction * actionAbout_STORM_2
QAction * actionAbout_STAMINA_2
QAction * actionAbout_Qt
QAction * actionAbout_KF5
QAction * actionShow_toolbar
QAction * actionShow_Statusbar
QAction * actionLock_Toolbar
QAction * actionTop
QAction * actionBottom
QAction * actionLeft
QAction * actionRight
QAction * actionForever_Property
QAction * actionUntil_Property
QAction * actionBounded_Until_Property
QWidget * centralwidget
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QTabWidget * mainTabs
QWidget * modelTab
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_3
QSplitter * splitter
QWidget * layoutWidget
QVBoxLayout * modelLeftVBox
QTreeWidget * modelInfoTree
QGroupBox * modelInfoVBox
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_3
QHBoxLayout * statesHBox
QLabel * statesTitleLabel
QLabel * statesLabel
QHBoxLayout * initStatesHBox
QLabel * initStatesTitleLabel
QLabel * initStatesLabel
QHBoxLayout * transitionsHBox
QLabel * transitionsTitleLabel
QLabel * transitionsLabel
QPushButton * buildModelButton
QWidget * propertyTab
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_4
QSplitter * splitter_4
QSplitter * splitter_2
QGroupBox * constantsGroup
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_8
QTableWidget * constantsTable
QHBoxLayout * constantsButtonGroup
QPushButton * addConstantButton
QPushButton * deleteConstantButton
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_2
QGroupBox * labelGroupBox
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_2
QTableWidget * labelTabel
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_2
QPushButton * pushButton
QPushButton * pushButton_2
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_3
QWidget * layoutWidget1
QVBoxLayout * propertySideVBox
QHBoxLayout * propertyButtons
QPushButton * propertyWizardButton
QPushButton * deletePropertyButton
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QWidget * resultsTab
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_5
QSplitter * splitter_5
QSplitter * splitter_3
QGroupBox * counterExamplesGroup
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_10
QTableWidget * counterExamplesTable
QGroupBox * earlyTerminatedGroup
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_7
QTableWidget * earlyTerminatedTable
QTableWidget * simulationResultsTable
QWidget * logTab
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout
QPlainTextEdit * logOutput
QCheckBox * showStdOut
QCheckBox * showStdErr
QMenuBar * menubar
QMenu * menuFile
QMenu * menuNew
QMenu * menuModel_File
QMenu * menuEdit
QMenu * menuInsert
QMenu * menuModel
QMenu * menuProperties
QMenu * menuView
QMenu * menuZoom
QMenu * menuToolbar_Position
QMenu * menuHelp
QMenu * menuModel_Checking_Engine
QMenu * menuModel_Building_Engine
QMenu * menuHelp_2
QStatusBar * statusbar
QToolBar * toolBar

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